Daily Mail Boycott Campaign Starts Now

The plan this morning was to congratulate Chelsea on winning the double (while expressing some concern about Frank Lampard’s missed penalty), possibly mentioning that England’s game against the USA could be one of the best games of the first round and having a quick round up of any friendy results.

Usual Sunday morning routine: kitchen, put the kettle on, switch the radio on…and the lead story on Five Live is this.

Let’s make this clear immediately: after having spent so much time and effort on the 2018 bid, to have the chairman of the FA apparently scupper it less than a month before the 2010 tournament starts is a disaster that the bid may not recover from.

Lord Triesman needs to go now. But some of the things that he allegedly said have the ring of truth to them (although having had a quick look at a list of recipients of the Legion d’Honneur no-one fits that particular profile) and there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that there will be attempts to bribe referees this summer. However, seeming to imply both the Spanish and the Russians will be complicit in this to a woman who was obviously employed by the Daily Mail as some kind of honey trap is a serious lapse of judgement on his part and will probably cost England the 2018 World Cup.

However…a serious lapse of judgement has also been committed by the Daily Mail (the only mainstream newspaper to support Oswald Mosley’s blackshirts before World War II). The online article is peppered with snidey little comments about Lord Triesman’s politics (he’s an ex-Labour minister and at one point was a member of the Communist party): the comments at the bottom of the article are worth reading and contributing to.

Lord Triesman may have cost us the World Cup in 2010…but the contribution of the Daily Mail will have helped a lot.

Update: Lord Triesman stepped down from both his FA and Euro 2018 posts on Sunday.

10 thoughts on “Daily Mail Boycott Campaign Starts Now

  1. I am a FORMER Daily Mail reader. Never again will I buy this paper. They have just cost us the chance to stage the World Cup, not just in 2018 but possible in my lifetime and I am only 37.
    I urge every English football fan to boycott the Daily Mail, not just for a few days but forever.
    Send emails to all your contacts urging them to do the same.
    The Daily Mail have just cost you the chance to see the World Cup live. I would have loved the opportunity to take my football loving daughter to any World Cup game. Maybe the chance to sit with my brother in a full stadium rather than in our front room as we did as kids for every World Cup. Think about it. Think where you were when the Hand of God goal put us out. Now imagine that game in England. Think about Roger Millers goal celebration, Bergkamps wonder goal, think about your favorite World Cup moment. And now imagine you seeing it live. It won’t happen thanks to the Daily Mail.

  2. Thanks for both reading and commenting Andrew, I think you’ve summed the situation up really well. Let’s hope that the damage can be repaired and that the bid can progress succesfully: we’ll do our best to keep up to date with the situation.

  3. I am over the moon with your countries media coverage!
    USA looks to be a fine candidate for the 2018 world cup, thanks to the daily newspaper!
    This all but kills your guys chances to get the world cup because what administration would want to go to a country with that kind of journalism which might take them all out by secret taping by gold diggers?!
    Thanks daily mail for delivering the world cup one step closer to the usa!
    enjoy your soccer!

  4. Im up for this boycott, lets get some petitions and facebook groupls going, and hurt the daily mail with sales

  5. Boycotting the Daily Mail for potentially destroying the chance of England hosting the 2018 World Cup should be reason enough to boycott the paper, but the simple fact is and has always been that it’s crap anyway and should be avoided by anyone with a life.

  6. I’m also up for boycotting the Daily Mail / Mail on Sunday.
    Where do i sign up? Any petitions or groups yet?
    This website is top of the list if you google Triesman / boycott Mirror.
    Lets start something!

  7. Sadly, I think we’re on to a lost cause trying to Boycott the Daily Mail. Let’s face it, what Daily Mail reader really gives a sh*t about football?

  8. Hate the daily mail. c’mon england 2018. Facebook group started. We still have a better package put together than anyone has put forward. The selection comittee would have to be narrow minded to let this sway their judgement if they are true footy supporters and want whats best for football.
    Best stadiums, best atmosphere, best history, most passionate and understand what football is about not just the commercialism.

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