Could St George’s Hold Key to Future Success?

Bringing success to England’s national football team has long proved to be an almost impossible task. Many managers have tried and failed to replicate England’s finest moment when Sir Alf Ramsey guided them to their first, and only, World Cup in 1966.

Trying to discover the winning formula now lies with Roy Hodgson.  Undoubtedly a proud Englishman, Hodgson cannot be accused of taking the job for his own financial gain (although, the multi million salary must have made signing the contract that little bit easier), which is an allegation that has been thrown at many of his predecessors.

After being thrown in at the deep end just a month before Euro 2012 in Poland and Ukraine, Hodgson made a mixed start to life in the hot-seat. There were certainly positive signs, such as the attacking threat shown against the Swedes in Kiev, but even the most avid Englishman would struggle to argue that the Three Lions were comprehensively outclassed by the Italians in their latest quarter final defeat.

So where does Hodgson and the nation go from here? The opening of the new National Football Centre could hold some of the answers.

Anyone that has watched England play over the years will know that the English are technically inferior to the majority of their opponents. With rare exceptions in the shape of Wayne Rooney, Steven Gerrard and the like, England do not currently produce players of the same technical ability as their counterparts on the international stage.

But the problem stems from the very top. Other European nations have invested heavily in coaching, with Italy, Spain and Germany all possess over 20,000 coaches who hold either a UEFA B, A or Pro Badge. England has just under 3000. This just shows the ground that the English have to make up to be competitive once again.

St George’s Park offers a ray of hope. Here, Coaches from all over the country will come to learn their trade and set England on their road to recovery.

Football betting experts will know that England have a long way to go, and it could take many years before they are challenging for honours once again, but at least this project shows that the FA are prepared to invest in the future of the game in this country. Many will hope it’s not too late

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