Rooney Sticks with Utd

If you have been watching the news lately, then you know about the Wayne Rooney contract saga. Recently, Rooney revealed that he indeed wants out of his contract with Manchester Utd, a contract that still has about 18 months left on it. He stated:

“I met with David Gill last week and he did not give me any of the assurances I was seeking about the future squad. I then told him that I would not be signing a new contract.”

United Manager Sir Alex Ferguson broke the news in a press conference and said that “I’ve got some bad news for you’. His agent had intimated he wouldn’t sign a contract and he wanted away.” This was a shock to Ferguson as he had many discussions with Rooney and Rooney seemed perfectly happy with the team. He also stated that the club had done nothing but help him from the time Rooney had joined the team and that there has been no falling out between the two.

Since the announcement, there has been a lot of speculation as to why Rooney as suddenly came to this decision. Some think that it is a big poker bluff and that he is trying to find a way to get more respect from the club. There are some suggestions that a recent benching may have accelerated this process. Ferguson claimed that he thought Rooney was injured and Rooney claimed he was not. Rooney then had a series of meetings where he was looking for assurances that the club would pursue high caliber players. The results of those meetings are one of the major reasons he is using for his desire to leave.

Part of the deal may have to do with money. It is no secret that Manchester United is having money issues and have had to pass on players or sell players to pick up cash. Is it possible that Rooney sees the salary that other players are making and has decided to go where the money is? Many gambling sites with numerous poker deposit methods would lay odds on Rooney going where the money is. That would not be uncommon in today’s sports world.

In fact, there rumors that the club may sell off Rooney’s contract in January. Manchester United dismissed these claims as rubbish, but as one ESPN analyst stated, the more they wait, the less Rooney is worth. You wait too long, and you give clubs nearly the equivalent of poker freerolls where clubs can pick him up on the cheap.

Sir Alex Ferguson stated that the door was still open for Rooney to remain with the United and even Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho thought that Rooney would stay. He stated, “I think the big man will persuade him to stay.” Ultimately,  Mourinho proved to be correct as Rooney signed a new contract on Friday with the United that will make him the highest paid player in team history and keep him there through 2015.

The England international stated, “I’m signing a new deal in the absolute belief that the management, coaching staff, board and owners are totally committed to making sure United maintains its proud winning history, which is the reason I joined the club in the first place.”

Now that this contract saga has been concluded, let’s hope that Rooney will go back to showing the flashes of brilliance that earned him this contract.

Guest Blog Post by Dave Marshall

Pop Star’s Hubby Injured: World Cup Over

It was always bound to be a case of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’; following David Beckham’s metatarsal in 2002 and Wayne Rooney’s broken foot in 2006,  Ashley Cole may miss all or part of the World Cup finals with a fractured ankle.

Multiple ironic angles here: the injury was sustained when Cole was tackling Landon Donovan of the USAin Chelsea’s 2-1 defeat to Everton during the week: but now the door is wide open for Wayne Bridge to make an international return…alongside Errol Flynn. Obviously it’s Sr. Capello’s shout from here on in, but this needs to be sorted out as soon as possible, arguably before John Terry gets back from Dubai (where he’s been ‘talking’ to his wife) and definitely before the friendly versus Egypt.

The main reason: I would hope that our forthcoming opponents have too much class to start making comments about the ‘situation’ between Terry and Bridge on the pitch – but all you need is a Marco Materazzi and Zinedine Zidane style incident and England could be on the next plane home.

Let’s just hope that no-one else gets crocked.

In other news…Sven-Goran Eriksson’s rather bizarre sojourn as Director of Football at Notts Countyis over after Notts were sold for £1. If some of the rumours flying around are to be believed, he may be moving from the sublime to the ridiculous; apparently he may be in line for the North Korea job. Sounds like a job for Photoshop if ever there was one; on that note, we’ll wish you a pleasant weekend and leave you with a song (which contains some choice language right at the start, so be warned!) that seems appropriate on a number of levels…

News Round Up

The draw for the 2012 European Championship qualifiers takes place tomorrow morning in Warsaw: there will be reaction to the draw at some point tomorrow but it won’t be immediate due to a family birthday celebration – happy birthday Sally!

We’re also looking at another 11lionslive event: barring any internet ‘issues’ it’s possible that we’ll cover the forthcoming friendly against African Nations Cup winners Egypt. More details later, probably via our Facebook page.

The latest John Terry nonsense  is all over the British papers and seemingly on an endless loop on Sky News, so there’s no point in rehashing it here other than expressing the opinion that Fabio Capello made the right decision to relieve Terry of the captaincy.